Week 1 Recap

Good afternoon everyone, 

Jacob Brummett here. Hope you are all doing well midway through the week. Personally, I’ve had an up and down week so far but am hoping for a great rest of the week. So the reason you’re hearing from me is that I have the honor of taking over the weekly email communications for the remainder of the season.  

At the beginning and ending of every season all the captains meet together with Kevin and discuss what went well with the season as well as areas for improvement or things we might want to add. One such change we decided to make was to add a brief thought about life to each weekly email. We hope that this will be a benefit to you all as you go throughout your weeks during the season (or if you’re not interested you can feel free to skip and scroll down to the stat leaders lol). 

Weekly Thought:

So, for those of you who do not know me, I am married to an amazing woman named Destiny and we have two boys Judah (2) and Levi (5 months) along with two dogs Benjamin and Koda. Two kids two and under along with a new puppy (Koda) makes for a loud and crazy household. So naturally when we had a free weekend we decided to go tent camping (If you are starting to think I’m crazy you are probably right). The idea of getting away from the daily grind and enjoying nature with our family sounded great. Reality, however, ended up being a lot different…. It was one of those if it can go wrong it will go wrong experiences. The short list is that: our air mattresses didn’t stay inflated, our puppy peed in our tent at 3am, the kids didn’t sleep so therefore we didn’t sleep, we lost electricity, bees were everywhere, and our toddler missed his nap and was acting up. Sounds fun right? 

So why am I telling you this? Well something that God has been teaching me lately and was really put to the test this weekend was to not let my circumstances control my thoughts and feelings. Throughout this trip I found my thoughts wandering towards how this trip wasn’t “worth it” because it was stressful, nothing was working as planned, and it was far from what we pictured the weekend to look like. I thought things like, “we could’ve all rested and had a productive Saturday at home instead of wasting our time and money with this trip”. I found myself complaining in my head about this which was affectingnot only how I felt but also how I was treating my family. 

I was faced with the choice to let my circumstances, many of which are outside of my control, “ruin” our trip or to take a different path. That different path looked a lot like what we are instructed to do in Phillipians 4:8 “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things”. I found that by accepting the issues as they came, not assigning an opinion to the issue, and focusing on the good, I look back and could say that I genuinely enjoyed the trip. 

I tend to focus on the wrong in the situation in general. Whether it’s how I played in a basketball game, how I perform at work, or what’s going on in the world. I am learning that hyperfocusing on these things continually robs me of the peace of God. This is something I have struggled with from a young age. God has done a ton of work on my heart to get me to this point and there’s still a long way to go. Earlier in Philippians 4 Paul states “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication let your requests be made to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus“. For me, as for many others, it is easier to be anxious or ungrateful about my life or critical about others. It takes concentrated effort to pray about my worries or to think on what is lovely or just or pure. However, I want that peace. So I am going to challenge myself. I am going to challenge myself to choose to think on what produces the peace of God, not to let my mind dwell on those things that take away that peace. 

Week 2 Schedule:

5:30 PM Boats and Bros vs. Bricklayers Union

Prodigal Suns and Luna: Kai, Steven, Craig

6:30 PM Couch Potatoes vs. Prodigal Suns and Luna 

The Holmies: Michael, Timothy, Macie

7:30 PM The Holmies vs. Alekz and the HomesCOOLers    

Couch Potatoes: Ryno, Brandon, Meli

Week 1 Stat Leaders:

  • Brandon Cunningham made quite a statement in his Crossroads Basketball League debut. He put up a total of 38 points on a highly efficient 55.6% from the field. His talents clearly demonstrate that Ricky went recruiting for his co-captain this year.  
  • Both Brandon Cunningham and Matias Seccombe hit 7 shots from deep in their head-to-head match-up. Brandon proved the better shooter this week by a slim margin as he shot an efficient 46.7% from deep as opposed to Matias’ slightly less efficient 41.2% from behind the arc. 
  • Collin Day pulled down an impressive 15 rebounds helping his team achieve an overtime victory. 
  • Michael Manthorp made up for a rougher night shooting by leading all players in both assists and blocks with 4 each. Michael throws a block party several times each season and that proved true again this week. 
  • Albert Sandoval made his Crossroads Basketball League debut with 4 steals, which should put him on players radar as someone to watch out for on the defensive end. 

Week 1 Recap:

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